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Saturday, February 23, 2008

What the Spirit Has Prompted Me To Pray

Dear Aria (and Aria's Prayer Warriors),

When I began the adoption journey to your sister, Libby, I was delighted that the Lord began to give me very specific things to pray over you. The smallest details, right down to her size, smile and beauty - to the deepest details of her character and future were important to Jesus and so He let me in on the ministry of praying over/for those things. Every specific thing I was led to pray for over her has come to pass or will come to pass. So my faith has blossomed even more in seeing His provision and promises fulfilled.

All that to say that the Lord, again, is sweetly detailing the beauty and soul of you in my heart so I can pray accordingly. Tonight I attended a "Friends of the Forgotten" meeting (by XTI). The "forgotten" are the unreached people groups around the world - "unreached" meaning people groups who have little to no access to the gospel of Christ. When it was time for our table to pray over a particular unreached people group we looked at our table display only to realize that our table's people group was the Argoba People of Ethiopia! Cristie Martine and Elissa Harrell were at the same table and one of them said, "What if Aria is from that people group and we are praying over them tonight?" Immediately I remembered that one of my joys in deciding to adopt from China and now Ethiopia is bc both are within the 10/40 window (where most unreached people groups in the world live). It is (and has been for quite some time) on my heart that the Lord would give me the honor of adopting children from unreached people groups so that salvation can come to those who have no other access to the Good News. So, you can only imagine tonight how I felt when I read about this people group and thought about you. I may never get to know what people group you are actually from, but I am praying that you would be from an unreached people group so that the Light of Christ can be passed on to you and we can pray together for your people as you grow.

I have also been led to pray specifically these words - that you would be "exquisitely beautiful inside and out", "a girl who enjoys pondering the deep things in life, but who lives a life of action that flows from those thoughts", "passionate, prophetic and bold as a lion, but gentle, wise and patient", "compassionate and full of love", "joyful", "full of peace", "protected and released from the spirits of abandonment, rejection, disease, infirmity, rebellion, fear, and insecurity", that you would "bond/attach to your daddy, mommy and big sister with complete ease", that "you and Libby would be as iron sharpens iron and be given passions and gifts that compliment one another". These are the major things the Spirit has been compelling me to pray for, but there are (and will continue to be) more things revealed to me that I will post later.

A few of the things I'm praying for that are just my personal requests are: 1. a quick, smooth adoption process. 2. for you to be no more than 10 months old when we arrive in Ethiopia. 3. for Libby to receive you with love and understanding as there will be many changes at that time 4. for me to really enjoy this time with Libby before adding you to the family 5. for Libby to bond even more with her daddy as the time approaches to receive you so that as I am being more attentive to a your needs Libby is satisfied with her daddy's attention and guidance.

Love you Aria!


Jake and Taryn said...

How very sweet!! It has been my experience that when you specifically ask the Lord for things and you write out what you dreams and wishes are they are more likely to occur. Blessings on your journey!

Jenn said...

I love how you are so focused and pray over Aria on specific things. This is a reminder to me that I need to pray for Karleigh Mei not just "in general" but for specific things that the Lord lays on my heart to pray for. Thank you Cindy for posting this and allowing us to learn from you! You are a blessing!!

Rebecca Caldwell said...

How beautiful. It is an amazing experience to pray for your child...even when you don't know them yet.