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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Here's How We Pray....

After a day and half of a lot of emotions regarding this adoption and a lot of tears (for no reason but the fact that THIS WAIT IS HARD!) we had a conference call and I had a talk with our family coordinator. Though she can not answer my questions or completely ease my anxiety I do feel like my head is above water and I'm treading quite nicely tonight. 

Kara, Alli, Cristie, Jenny, Terry, Elissa, our YG, and many more have been holding my hand and have given so much encouragement. Thank you gals so much! Love you!

So - here is how we need to pray (and I would love for you to join us) regarding the process:

1. A referral to come very soon - hopefully in APRIL (and April starts next week - YAY!!)
2. A court date to be assigned for as early as possible!
3. That our daughter's paperwork would find favor with the judge on our court date and we would pass court THE FIRST TIME!!

This last one is very important because Ethiopia closes their courts sometime in August through part of October. If we do not pass court the first time we could easily get stuck in court closures and have to wait until late October or November to have another court date. 

Of course, there are many other things to pray over regarding our daughter, bonding, the trip there and back, etc. - and we are praying over all these things as well. So, join us if you can. If you have a heart for adoption, but do not necessarily feel called to adopt - this is your chance to play a big part in helping another family fulfill their call to adopt! Prayer is so powerful and God hears!! We may never know of your specific prayers, but God hears and we will be forever changed by your powerful participation in this process! So for those praying with us: THANK YOU!!!!!


KK said...

Thank you for sharing specific needs to be lifting up. It's an honor to be able to play a part in your journey. It is all so exciting!

jamullins said...

Praying for you Cindy!!


Marti Pieper said...

I love the way God sends me to your site at just the right time (even when I'm up wayyy too late writing!).
I love the way God has connected our hearts.
I love the way He uses you to touch the nations through your music, your ministry, and your growing family.
I love the way He's giving you time with a special friend for such a time as NOW.
I love Him, I love you, and I'm praying with joy and anticipation at the great plans He has!

Anonymous said...

I hold it an honor and a privelge to pray with you for these specific request. He said "ask and you will receive whatever you need, He said "pray and I'll hear from heaven". I am praying that as God hears us from heaven that he will give you the peace that you know can only come from him. God's timing is so perfect, he already knows the exact date that you will receive your referral call, the court date and the date that you will meet your Lulu. I hope that as you wait for God's perfect timing, that God be made more real to you than ever before.

Tammy Morgan

kim said...


I will be praying for you. It's so hard but you are doing a great job at this wait! We'll be hoping that something happens in APRIL :)

Kara said...

Joining with you in praying our sweet baby girls back to Texas!

You have been such an inspiration to me! Your friendship is a blessing! God will complete the good thing that He started in our families!

Holding your hand...I love Ya!


Debi said...

Hi Cindy,
I am praying with and for you and believing God for your requests. God knows where Lulu is and is moving heaven and earth to bring her home. I will print out your requests to pray.
Love and hugs and prayers,