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Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Thread of Dreams

God has spoken to our family in many creative ways over the years. Little confirmations at just the right time, words of encouragement, even some prophetic words that totally came true and were such evidence of how we serve the Living God! He still speaks! Of course, everything spoken over us or to us has always been measured by the Word of God as to its validity. 

Dreams and visions.... they seem like such a mystery to many Western Christians. But to some of my Iranian friends and other Muslim background friends, dreams and visions are a normal way in which God has revealed Himself to them. Many had dreams of a "prophet" robed in bright white and they had such a peace in the dream, but didn't know who the prophet was. Then, at just the right time, God brought someone to tell them the Good News of Jesus and they realize...that was the man in their dreams! And they become followers of Christ. I hear stories from various mission fields about this all the time.

The summer before we traveled to China to get Libby Billy and I led worship at our local church. After the service a man came up to me that I did not know. He told me that as I sang he had a vision of me pregnant. He said I was fully pregnant and glowing. And he just felt that I should hear about this vision.  I did not think much about it at the time. We were close to getting Libby and I assumed the vision had to do with that somehow.

About a month later we led worship at a camp. At the end of the service another man approached me that I did not know. He basically shared with me the exact same vision. He felt sure that it was not about our adoption but about a physical pregnancy that was to come.

A little history here, before I go on with the story: Billy and I have never TRIED to get pregnant because of some genetic issues on my side of the family. But we have also never used birth control. It's always been on our hearts to leave that to the Lord and see what happens. We have not struggled with the desire for biological kids at any time. We have always had a heart for adoption and we've felt very complete and normal in that desire. It has been the most natural thing for us.

Obviously, after a second vision that was explained to me almost exactly the same way - FULLY PREGNANT and GLOWING - I figured there was something to this. I called my friend, Terry and shared the 2 visions with her. She said, "Oh, Cindy, I have to tell you something". And immediately I wondered what she was talking about! She went on to say that her husband, Larry, had a dream about me being pregnant back when they lived in Africa. But the Spirit had not released him to share the dream with us yet. So we would have to wait until he was ready before we could know the rest of the dream.

Several months later, we already had Libby, Larry decided to share the dream. He dreamed that I was FULLY PREGNANT and that in the dream a man was chasing me with a knife. This man wanted to cut the baby out of me, but Billy stepped in and shot the man dead. He said that the dream was more about Billy's role of protection in the spiritual realm than me being pregnant, but he remembered specifically that I was VERY pregnant in the dream.

Shortly after Larry shared that dream with us, the Lord put it on my heart to adopt from Ethiopia. I struggled with it a little only because I wondered if the purpose of the dreams and visions were to put the desire in our hearts to have biological children. But the way in which I felt called to adopt from Ethiopia was so real that I just knew I was to move forward with that. Of course, at that time we had only had Libby a few months and Billy was not open to adopting again just yet. So, unbeknownst to me, I had another year to pray over it all. 

On Mother's Day the next year (2007) I was holding Libby during worship and praying that God would help us do the right thing - which I was convinced was adopting from ET. A woman that I barely knew approached me in the middle of worship and said, "The Lord just gave me a vision of you VERY PREGNANT and GLOWING. I don't know if it is a biological child or an adopted child, but it's going to happen VERY SOON." 

You can only imagine at this point how stunned I was that God was continuing to give this vision to random, but divinely appointed, people in my life! For months I continued to pray and wonder what all this meant.

At the end of December 2007 the Lord finally put the desire in Billy's heart to adopt from ET and the journey began. I have wondered many times during this journey if those visions were for a third child - a biological child - or if the visions were about adoption. 

Today a friend of mine sent me a message through Facebook about a dream she had last night. In the dream I was BIG PREGNANT and GLOWING as we talked about Aria-Lu and parenting in general. She said that even though I was pregnant, she knew in the dream that the pregnancy was for Aria-Lu who we were adopting. The two were one. And it was about to happen AT ANY MINUTE!

I am sharing this primarily for my adoptive mommy friends - especially the ones who, like me, have never been physically pregnant. This adoption journey is the most real thing. I believe these visions and dreams have been for the purpose of confirming that in the spiritual realm adoption is a pregnancy. God plants the seed of desire in our hearts to adopt already knowing what child he has chosen for us. And from that point on we carry in us the child to be in a spiritual sense. In the spiritual realm we are pregnant and it is REAL! And we are GLOWING! 

It seems that the first two or three visions/dreams were about Libby as I was very near to receiving her. The rest have been for Aria-Lu - our sweet Lulu who is about to be revealed to us! I am in tears right now as I envision the beauty of this spiritual pregnancy. My heart and my emotions tell me it is real. But as I walk around shopping for Lulu other people, for the most part, can't see what I know is in me. So to have others who have been given a special glimpse into the spiritual reality of this pregnancy confirm such is very much a comfort and encouragement to me. I am not journeying to find Lulu. God has already found her for me and in the spiritual realm she is in me ready to burst forth! Praise God!

I hope this thread of dreams is an encouragement to you and to anyone who is struggling with the idea of adoption. Adoption is NOT unnatural. But is IS supernatural! And for those who sometimes grieve missing out on having a child physically within them, know that in the spiritual realm you have missed nothing at all!



Kathy Stroud Cashion said...

To God be the Glory, Great things He has done and IS doing. I am continuing to pray for you, Billy and Libby. God teaches us everyday about HIS timing. Isn't it wonderful to have friends who are walking so close to the Lord that they receive His visions for other people. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today.kathy3467

Rebecca Caldwell said...

SO VERY AWESOME! Thank you so much for sharing :) Can't wait for your referral call.....

Marti Pieper said...

I don't think this message was exactly for me but I do know that as I have prayed for you recently I have prayed for you as my sister-with-child. I think this is a bit difficult for non-adoptive parents to understand, but I know that my spiritual/emotional pregnancy with our oldest was just as real as the physical pregnancies with the others. I know I have shared with you how it used to upset me when people would tell me after Kristen arrived that we had done it "the easy way." I didn't punch anyone out, but I did consider it momentarily! And you, with an international adoption--anyone who has read your blog or prayed alongside you knows that "easy" is definitely not the right word.

All I mean to say is RIGHT ON. Yes, you are glowing, yes you are pregnant with this precious little one and YES God has picked her out for you, Billy, and Libby from eternity past. I can't wait to meet her (LOL as I know you can't either). And won't it be awesome for you to maybe, just maybe, have a beautifully blessed small (and big) extra reason to worship next week? His timing and His ways are perfect!

Still watching and praying, with love,


Monte and Missy said...

What an encouraging word...thank you so much for sharing. The waiting is so hard some days. And the Father is so GOOD...He knew that I needed to read those words on this day.
I pray that your Aria-Lu is with you very soon.

K.P. said...

This is an awesome post. I really enjoyed it. I am one who has had both pregnancies, physical and spiritual. I enjoyed them both immensely, but I will say that I felt closer to God in the adoption process. There is no other place to be. When you have the child in your belly, you sort of lose your reliance on God b/c you know where he/she is. When God is bringing you together with your child from so far apart, it's a step by step walk of faith. I came out stronger in my faith and a HUGE fan of adoption. I don't have a desire to carry another biological child, but I DO want to adopt again. The spiritual parts of it are habit forming. :)

Praying you see your girl soon!

Cristie said...

My friend with such amazing thoughts and words to put with them. I love how the Lord can over time show you his story in your story... each piece so perfectly knit together. Only you, my friend, could remember such details and be able to see the hand of God over every one of them. I love that you walk so closely, feeling his hands, his breathe, and even the conceptions he sets before you! I am so excited about Aria Lu -- LuLu! Girlfriend, you have been laboring .. not just glowing. I think your almost fully dialated and her sweet head is soon to crown! I wait .. anxiously ... to see the baby girl who has been created and planned for your arms since the beginning! I feel like your breathing coach ... deep breathe, my friend, another contraction is coming!

Amber said...

Cindy, thank you so much for putting this beautiful picture into words. It was an amazing encouragement to me tonight!!! Our God is so wonderful! :)

DiggityPhoto said...

Great post! Short of DNA (and I'm convinced Lily's might even match ours, that's how "ours" she is) the Lord has cemented over and over again that this is the real deal, in every way.

I haven't had any dreams about you pregnant but I did have a nightmare that I had stretch marks. Then I woke up! Yay!! :)

Lulu, hurry up already! And could you warm up extra fast to Kyle so we can bring one of your sisters home? He was extra interested in sweet little Helena the other night...

Trudy said...

That is sooooo awesome! God speaks to me in visions and dreams A LOT! I am totally with you! Adoption is like waiting for labor to begin. You never know when it's going to come. You have an idea and then all the sudden, BOOM! Praying that you guys are on the plane tomorrow!! We hope to meet you and your two beautiful daughters soon! Blessings on the journey!

Becky said...

Wonderful post, Cindy! I'm so happy your "pregnant and glowing" but I'm ready for you to go into labor(which is Et). I'm also ready for another video post from Libby. They crack me up.

Alli said...

This post has once again proved why we are forever friends, no matter the distance.... we bear our souls so easily! I appreciate you sharing this. I will have Cory read it too. Love you and I bet you are absolutely radiant with your glow! ;)

Ashia said...

what an amazing word!! thanks so much for sharing that. i loved how you related adoption to the seed that God plants in our hearts! can't WAIT for your referral!!!!! =) blessings to you!

Kate said...

It's exciting to hear how the Lord is working in your life. I always thought I would adopt if I ever got married, but marriage never happened and right now I just cling to Isaiah 54:1 as if He wrote it just for me. I love what you said about dreams and visions because mine sits right in front of me (my home for homeless teens). I have done all I know to do and all I possibly can do, and I am standing still waiting for that moment in which it will "come to full term." I love your gives me hope to hang onto what has begun and wait.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
Your post really meant a lot to me. I have wanted to adopt internationally for as long as I can remember. So it wasn't too long after I got married that my husband and I began discussing adoption. For some reason, I have never really felt a strong urge to have biological children. (I don't know of a reason we couldn't. I've been on birth control since we got married- a decision I have been rethinking recently for a myriad of reasons.) Anyway, your post just really encouraged me because sometimes, I just feel completely out of place especially when I share with someone my heart for the fatherless in this world. I truly feel that God has given us this desire to adopt. I encourage you to keep sharing your heart. I love to read how God is moving in the lives of others. Thanks for sharing! I'll be praying for you, especially this week as you wait for the call!
Peace & Grace,
Stephanie (personal site-my blog isn't set up just yet) ministry blog)

Holly said...

Do you know? The first thing I looked at on this page was the timeline and I thought, "Lord, she's past due." Then after reading your post, I got out my calculator and figured the days. You are 42 weeks 1 day into this birthing, friend. Doctors will never let a pregnancy go past 42 weeks, as it is not safe for the baby. I know because that is our journey with our firstborn. He was two weeks late and we nearly lost him. So perhaps the "fully pregnant" look is because you are a woman past due and ready to see your girl.

Soon!! I am so excited!! Praying for a SOON word from the LORD!

Chris said...

So beautifully written thank you! I believe it is God's light of the miracle of creation that radiates through us!! Having experienced both, trust me whether they come from our womb or our heart we are pregnant with the same feelings throughout. My husband told me that he thinks my hormones were raging just as much with Parker an Helena as they were with our other three. Thank you for sharing this with all of us and trust me you are positively "GLOWING"!! Praise God for putting this post on your heart and for those he has placed in your path to confirm your pregnant glow!